Home » » Libreria de Sonidos - “Mixaloop” Acapella Loops - Pack Volume 04

Libreria de Sonidos - “Mixaloop” Acapella Loops - Pack Volume 04

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Samples Vocales (Short Acapella ) de artistas famosos (Hip-Hop, Electronicos) , ideales para complementar y animar los Remix*s o producciones.
Información Original:
Mixaloop are extremely proud to present the Acapella Loop Pack 4 (91-100bpm) release.
How long would it take you to sample these sounds, determine the tempo and loop them? Forget it! Let us do the hard work for you!
This DJ-ready loop pack will prove extremely versatile with over 77 of the most sought-after vocal acapella loops to inject into a variety of mix/remix scenarios.
Have alook at the track list, can you afford to miss out on all this goodness ?

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